We believe lost people matter to God, so they also matter to us. Therefore…
We are Missional – Going beyond our walls into the community to demonstrate Christ’s love.
We are Relational – Building authentic relationships with people who do not know Jesus and helping them to connect with Him.
We are Attractional – Making the weekend worship services inviting, relevant and inspiring so people have reasons to visit and keep coming back to hear the message of the Gospel.
We believe worshipping God should inspire people, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. Therefore…
We conduct worship services that are culturally relevant while staying true to God’s Word.
We pursue authentic worship that creates moments of awe and transformation.
We exercise creativity in worship, making use of arts that inspire people and honor God.
We make excellence a priority in our worship services, because God deserves our very best.
We believe loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life. Therefore…
We foster a culture of grace, acceptance and forgiveness, as Christ has demonstrated to each of us.
We promote environments that nurture meaningful connections and promote life change.
We provide a place where people can belong before they believe.
Spiritual Growth
We believe Christ-followers of all ages should yearn for continuous, lifelong spiritual growth. Therefore…
We present relevant, biblical teaching that encourages believers to live out their faith in daily activities.
We create next steps to encourage spiritual formation for believers in every stage of their spiritual journey.
We give special attention to the spiritual development of children and teens, encouraging them to discover their gifts, calling and full potential so they can make a difference in their circles of influence, both now and into adulthood.
We believe each believer has been gifted for service and should work together with fellow Christ-followers in serving others, as good stewards of the grace of God. Therefore…
We help people discover their God-given gifts and talents so they can express their faith in action, serving both in the church and our surrounding community.
We equip people for serving Jesus by providing volunteer opportunities, training and ongoing encouragement.
We serve in teams, rallying together for common goals.